
Our Story

Sergio Montegrande founded Bella Vita, a restaurant chain in Las Vegas back in 2014. Soon after creating this amazing atmosphere of friendship, connection, and community, he realized it can't truly be a "Bella Vita" (Beautiful Life in Italian) without taking a step towards helping those in our community who might need it most. No matter how small the act of kindness is.

The Montegrande Family Our Kids Our City Las Vegas

After receiving the key to the city of Henderson, winning 17 time Best Of Las Vegas, and countless other awards, Sergio shifted his focus on helping all those in need achieve a "Beautiful Life" regardless of their station, class, or status within our society with Our Kids Our City. Turning the vision he has in 2014 into reality.

It is Sergio's hope & dream that “ALL” who are touched by Bella Vita. Those involved both directly or indirectly, will feel the weight and impact of our commitment! As we all join together in our collective efforts toward realizing and maintaining this enormously worthwhile goal for our local neighborhoods and communities, we will realize the importance of working together-as one powerful force, arm in arm, and heart to heart, to confront and overcome the obstacles that continue to stand in the way of fulfilling this dream.

So, with this goal in mind, a passionate dream that fuels this vision, and an unwavering commitment, The Bella Vita Foundation, from this day forward, will look for, and look to: like-minded people; businesses, leaders, volunteers and others, who truly want to come together, work hard and give much, in order to reach these life-changing outcomes for the poor, the needy, the sick and the underprivileged; that might not otherwise ever be realized whatsoever.

Sergio strongly believes that this vision and this type of impact, can only be achieved by a force of Great love and support of many others who truly care about their community and want to be a part of those changes within them. There’s no other way! So here we are, at the threshold of a very exciting and important journey. One that will no doubt be challenging, yet uniquely rewarding, and well worth every step of the way knowing that we’re making all the difference. If not us, then who? Sergio believes in doing the right thing and this dream, this goal, this love in action, Sergio knows is the means to that end!With each year’s end, year after year, The Bella Vita Foundation, will look forward to coming together collectively; to express with our partners: our joy, our gratitude, humility and love, to God and Family, Friends and Colleagues, the achievements, and the rewards of seeing the fruits of our labors being met and fulfilled within the lives of so many needy individuals and entire communities, all within spirit of love and giving.For we know that when we do this— with others’ needs in mind, to effect real change, and to see lives improved and transformed; we will then and only then, experience the essence of what it really means to truly be living a “Beautiful Life.” Come and join our journey, for your community needs you too!

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Your generosity has the power to transform lives, uplift communities, and create a brighter future. Join us in making a lasting impact by donating today!